Our Community

Making a Difference

How Sustainable Marketing Services Makes a Difference

Community is important to us. We genuinely aim to make a positive contribution. Here are some of the ways we like to make a difference.

Mentoring tomorrow's leaders

At Sustainable Marketing Services, we enjoy mentoring tomorrow's leaders. Since 2011, Maria Anderson (our M.D.) has been a mentor in the Griffith University Mentoring Program.

Maria has also mentored female entrepreneurs in the Australian Businesswomen's Network mentorNet. She also helps recruit and mentor emerging marketers for clients.

Leadership in sustainability

We are an ecoBiz Partner with the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection and have achieved energy savings of 34%, GHG emission reductions of 34% and waste reduction of 60%.

Support for our 'not for profit' community

Maria Anderson is the Commodore for the Little Ship Club. She has been a director on the Board since November 2019.

Since 2020 Maria has been responsible for the operational management, financial management and marketing of the Little Ship Club as a volunteer. She has restructured the Club and brought in the use of more efficient online solutions.

She helped the Club navigate through difficult financial circumstances in COVID and helped turned the Club's financial position around from incurring significant losses in 2009 and before - to achieving a surplus each year since.

She also introduced new systems for Human Resources, OH&S, anti-money laundering and cross terrorism funding and operations.

In 2023 she was responsible for the development of a new website for the Little Ship Club. Check out the Little Ship Club website here

Support for local business

Maria Anderson sat on the CCIQ ecoBiz Advisory Committee, gives presentations to small businesses on sustainability.

Maria has given presentations to government and business organisations such as Engineers Australia, CCIQ ecoBiz, Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business, ecoBiz forum and local chamber groups.

"Maria Anderson was fantastic at delivering a presentation on the importance of a brand strategy and marketing systems to an engineering audience. Feedback from the delegates has been overwhelmingly positive. Her presentation was entertaining and very informative." Ana Blake, CPD Events & Group Engagement Manager, Engineers Australia Queensland Division

Professional memberships

  • The Australian Marketing Institute
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland
  • Redland City Chamber of Commerce
  • Her Business

Where to from here?

Feel free to give us a call, email, or use our contact form to discuss your project and how we can help you.

Call us on 07 3446 5837 or 0402 095 699.