Convert more customers sooner


Switching Marketing Campaigns


Use a Switching Marketing Campaign to convert more customers

In this blog, we look at how switching campaigns can convert more customers sooner for trade and professional services businesses.

As an owner of either a trade or professional services business you want more customers now to increase sales and grow your business.

Convert more customers.
Around 1% of your potential customers are looking to buy now. Others loyal to their existing suppliers have barriers to switching to a new brand.

This is why it is critical to have a balanced strategy and consistent execution to move more potential customers from awareness to conversion.

Switching Campaign Creative example 1

K&G Auto: Switching Campaign creative 1

Switch customers sooner.

Many customers loyal to a competing brand will not be open to trialling your brand today.

But they need to know and trust your brand in advance of the day when their existing supplier makes a mistake.

Switching campaigns can encourage people who are loyal to a specific brand to switch to your brand sooner.

In addition to highlighting the benefits of your brand over the competing brand, a switching campaign will also address barriers to switching.

Samsung vs Apple.
As a loyal iPhone owner, I’ve been watching with interest Samsung’s current switching campaign, “Make the Move to Samsung – we know you’re curious”.

Switching Campaign Creative example 2

K&G Auto: Switching Campaign creative 2

Will a switching campaign work for you?

Using a switching campaign as part of a balanced strategy (with consistent implementation) will help you convert more customers sooner.

If you have gaps in your marketing strategy, then a switching campaign may not be the first step to improving the performance of your marketing.

Sustainable Marketing Services is an award-winning Brisbane digital marketing agency with a long history of delivering sustainable success for our clients.

Book a complimentary audit of your marketing on 07 3446 5837 or via email us here.