Marketing for Clubs case study: Little Ship Club
In this marketing for clubs case study we look at what we achieved for the Little Ship Club during COVID.
The Little Ship Club is a recreational boating club located on North Stradbroke Island.
The Club has panoramic views of sparking Moreton Bay and is renowned for being a unique place to kick back and watch some magnificent sunsets.
Established 70 years ago, it has a long history with the Royal Australian Navy Reserve and the Naval Auxiliary Patrol.
The Brief
The Sustainable Marketing Services team was engaged to improve member communication and encourage members and patrons to visit the Club during COVID (when allowed legally).
Marketing at a Glance
The Sustainable Marketing team undertook the following activities and roles:
- Strategic marketing communications through newsletters and Facebook
- Operational management, strategic business plan, financial management, and restructuring of the Club
- Member communications to keep members informed COVID and engaged with the club when they could not visit the club during lockdown
- Member communications about renewals and AGMs
- Promotion of large events, e.g. Facebook, newsletters, local area marketing, and radio (Bay FM and 4KQ)
- Promotion of monthly music live bands
- New signage to attract new foot traffic
- Creation of wedding brochure
LSC Facbook & Newsletter communications

The Results
The results achieved from using marketing for clubs strategy are discussed below.
The Club has achieved an estimated $50,000 surplus in the 2021 financial year and a 10% growth in membership. By way of comparison, LSC had a loss of ($14,163.84) in 2020 and a loss of ($162,833.00) in 2019. We were also able to retain their staff during COVID.
We have many years of experience using marketing communications to assist membership-based organisations in changing attitudes, increasing engagement and member loyalty. Many membership-based organisations do not communicate effectively with members.
One of the key reasons for this success is the introduction of strategic marketing communications to keep members informed and engaged during COVID. The key tactics used were newsletters and social media. We adopted a transparent communication style.
Where to from here?
Feel free to give us a call, email, or use our contact form to discuss your project and how we can help you.
Call us on 07 3446 5837 or 0402 095 699.