Marketing Strategy Services Brisbane

Achieve sustainable growth with Marketing Strategy Services in Brisbane

Build your Reputation, Boost your Visibility and achieve Sustainable Growth

At Sustainable Marketing Services, we are passionate about leading with our Marketing Strategy Services Brisbane first because it is the best way to help our clients achieve sustainable long-term growth.

Business owners can sometimes be tempted to go straight to tactics (such as websites, SEO and Facebook) in the belief it will deliver faster results. We see too many organisations receiving little or no ROI using this approach.

How to get a better result from your marketing

There are five critical success factors to building your reputation, boosting your visibility and achieving sustainable growth for your organisation:

  1. Unique brand positioning
  2. Personalised marketing strategy
  3. Targeted marketing communications
  4. Excellent marketing implementation
  5. Continual improvement and measurement

Personalising marketing strategy services to your business

Personalising our marketing strategy services Brisbane to your company and budget through a customised marketing plan will deliver a better return on your marketing investment faster.

A successful marketing strategy will include the right balance of marketing strategies and tactics. It will integrate your digital marketing and traditional marketing activities, so they work hand in hand to deliver a better ROI.

Some of the common marketing mistakes we see organisations make in their marketing include:

  • Treating digital as a separate silo to traditional marketing
  • Continually changing tactics and not following the strategy
  • Building websites with no brand positioning or promotions strategy
  • Marketing communications not tailored to ideal target customers
  • Using the wrong measurements for individual tactics

Example of work for K&G Automotive

K&G Automotive | Marketing Strategy Services Brisbane

How we can help you with our Marketing Strategy Services Brisbane

Expert Knowledge. Informed Thinking. Sustainable Growth.

At Sustainable Marketing Services, our marketing consultants have over 25 years of experience creating successful marketing plans that build reputations, boost brand visibility and achieve sustainable growth.

We take the time to understand your business and customers and use our proven expertise, insights about your market and robust marketing systems to create more sustainable growth for your organisation.

Using our marketing strategy services Brisbane, a strategic marketing plan will be created in collaboration with you and will include:

  • Your objectives
  • Your best target markets
  • Brand positioning and key messages
  • Analysis of key competitors, industry and digital market
  • Marketing strategies and tactics personalised to your business
  • Integrated digital marketing and traditional marketing strategies
  • Digital marketing strategy for a website (if required)
  • 12-month calendar of marketing activities
  • Marketing budget
  • Measurements


Step one – insights

We research your key competitors, industry and digital market and meet with you to conduct one to two 2-hour marketing workshops.

Step two - strategy

Using the insights from step one and our expertise, we will create a strategic marketing plan personalised to your business, objectives and budget.

Step three – feedback

We will meet with you to discuss your marketing plan and make amendments to reflect your feedback.

We can also help you implement your marketing plan, manage, measure and make ongoing improvements to deliver the best ROI.

Book a meeting to discuss how our specialist marketing strategy services can help you achieve sustainable growth.

Call us on 07 3821 3939 or 0402 095 699 or email us email us here.

Examples of work for CTEK

CTEK | Marketing Strategy Services Brisbane

The results we achieve:

  • Industry body: achieved average growth of 9.9% each year of between 2014 and 2021
  • Club (NFP): transformed financial a deficit ($162K 2019) to surpluses ($132.8K 2021 & $133.5K 2020)
  • Auto workshop: grew phone calls from potential number customers to 120-140 per month each month
  • Medical centre: doubled size of patient list and retained 95% of clients following relocation, name change and rebrand
  • Industry body: increased member engagement (NPS score of 40 in 2020 vs -11.77 in 2014) through communications strategy
  • Distributor: reduced sales cycle from 18 months to 6 months through a rebranding and communication strategy
  • Manufacturer: received in excess of 80+ leads from website each month
  • Club (NFP): attracted 800+ to a seafood event (235% increase on previous year)
  • Auto distributor: grew Australian and New Zealand market into third largest global market

Testimonial for CTEK

CTEK | Marketing Strategy Services Brisbane
CTEK Editorial

"Over the past 6 years CTEK would like to thank you for your outstanding work in the Public Relation & Marketing within the Australian and New Zealand.

Since you started working for CTEK the contribution that Sustainable Marketing Services have made in raising awareness of the CTEK brand and our products, particularly in the areas of DC-DC on-board charging and the professional workshop has been outstanding, this has led to CTEK becoming the number one Battery Charger brand in both Australia and New Zealand.

Your marketing and PR work has been a major factor in increasing our sales in both countries year on year.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your services over the past six years and wish you all the best for the future."

Yours sincerely, Robert Briggs, Director of Sales & Marketing Asia Pacific, CTEK

Check out the CTEK case study here

Where to from here?

Feel free to give us a call, email, or use our contact form to discuss your project and how we can help you.

Call us on 07 3446 5837 or 0402 095 699.