Marketing of Automotive Products: CTEK
In this marketing for Automotive Products case study we look at what we achieved for CTEK.
CTEK is a world-leading authority on battery technology, battery chargers and battery care and maintenance, and has built a reputation for being first to market with new products.
The Brief
Over the 6 years from 2012 to 2018 Sustainable Marketing Services has helped CTEK to successfully elevate their brand and helped Robert Briggs, Director of Sales & Marketing Asia Pacific, CTEK to consistently achieve (or exceed) sales for the Australian and New Zealand market.
Sustainable Marketing Services acted as CTEK’s Australian and New Zealand PR and marketing agency. We delivered integrated public relations, advertising, digital, social media (including video creation) and key influencer programs.
Marketing at a Glance

- Public Relations: undertaking PR campaigns to launch new products and boost visibility of existing products
- Advertising: negotiating large media buys across print, digital and social media and organising print advertisements to support PR activities
- Video strategy: crafting strategy and scripts for videos into the leisure market
- Facebook: organising Facebook campaigns with 4WD Action and key distributors
- Marketing Campaigns: creating integrated digital and traditional marketing campaigns to support distributors and retailers
- Influencer programs: Creating a 12 month influencer program in the leisure market.
Examples of our work:
- Brand ambassador, Graham Cahill, video and Facebook launch video (D250SA + SMARTPASS120
- Corporate PR "20 Years of R&D Innovation to Maximise Battery Performance", June 2017, AAAA Magazine
- Product launch PR, "CTEK launches 'Most Advanced Power Solution' (PRO60), March 2017, AAAA Magazine and supporting advertisement for PRO60
- Key influencer review on blog by All Around Oz – CTEK D250SA and SMARTPASS120 Review (read blog here)
- Case study feature PR “Brenno’s Ultimate Never-Fail 12V System” promoted on 4WD Action blog and Facebook page achieving 68,300 blog views
Corporate PR "20 Years of R&D Innovation to Maximise Battery Performance"

The Results
The marketing of automotive products achieved the following results.
Key business achievements
- Helped to grow Australia and New Zealand for CTEK into the third-largest global market
- Successfully grown the market share of the CTEK DC-DC range in the leisure market
- Raised the profile of CTEK professional range in the workshop market
Recent marketing achievements
- Successfully launched the CTEK D250SA + SMARTPASS120 in the DC-DC market
- Successfully launched the PRO60 in the professional market
- Developed a brand ambassador program with Grahill Cahill
- Created a key influencer program for CTEK DC-DC market
"Over the past 6 years CTEK would like to thank you for your outstanding work in the Public Relation & Marketing within the Australian and New Zealand.
Since you started working for CTEK the contribution that Sustainable Marketing Services have made in raising awareness of the CTEK brand and our products, particularly in the areas of DC-DC on-board charging and the professional workshop has been outstanding, this has led to CTEK becoming the number one Battery Charger brand in both Australia and New Zealand.
Your marketing and PR work has been a major factor in increasing our sales in both countries year on year.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your services over the past six years and wish you all the best for the future."
Yours sincerely
Robert Briggs
Director of Sales & Marketing Asia Pacific.
Where to from here?
Feel free to give us a call, email, or use our contact form to discuss your project and how we can help you.
Call us on 07 3446 5837 or 0402 095 699.